Shipping Policy

You can trust that your order will be quickly processed and safely delivered. We can ship products anywhere in the contiguous United States. When you place an order we will estimate delivery dates based upon the availability of your item(s), shipping method selected and your shipment’s destination. Our shipping charges are determined by the total dollar amount of your order, excluding applicable sales tax. Some products cannot be shipped to international destinations so please submit a message to us from the Contact Us page if you would like to discuss international ordering options.
Steps for handling freight shipments
·         Look at the shipment when it arrives along with the Driver’s Receipt -- DR (slip of paper the driver will have you sign). 
·         Make sure all freight is there. 
o   For Example, if your DR states 5 pieces make sure all 5 pieces are there. 
o   If not, go ahead and accept the shipment and note how many pieces you actually received and how many are short, then contact us with the details of the missing piece(s) ASAP.
§  Details of exactly WHICH package(s) are missing may be determined by comparing the item(s) received versus the packing slip. This information is necessary for us to communicate to the freight lines as to the size and markings of the box that we are looking for. When you let us know WHICH package(s) are missing, we know what the package looks like. We will then contact the shipper and perform a dock search to see if it can be found and a claim can be avoided.
·         Thoroughly examine all of the freight.
o   Damage to the exterior of the package(s):
§  If there appears to be damage on the exterior of the package(s), then you have the right to ask for the package(s) to be opened to inspect the contents or to open it yourself to inspect it before signing the driver’s receipt.
·         If the driver refuses to let you inspect the package(s), reject the entire shipment and contact us immediately. We will arrange for a replacement shipment to be sent as soon as the rejected shipment is received back at our dock.
After inspecting the inside of the package(s) and it appears the product IS
§  NOT DAMAGED, sign for the shipment as received in full.
·         You may note damage on exterior of package(s) on the driver’s receipt.
§  If after inspecting the inside of the package you find that the freight IS DAMAGED:
·         Reject the entire shipment and contact us immediately. We will arrange for a replacement shipment to be sent as soon as the rejected shipment is received back at our dock.
o   No identifiable damage to the package(s):
o   It is still recommended that you inspect the contents of the shipment.
o   If there isn’t damage to the freight, then go ahead and sign for your shipment as received in full and intact.             
o   If you later notice damage after the driver is gone, this is considered concealed damage.  Take photos of the original carton showing no damage and the damage to the goods and email them to us at the address below.
o   For concealed damage a claim must be filed within 3 days of date of delivery.
§  NOTE: it is very difficult to get paid on these types of claims, therefore-check all packages carefully, upon arrival, as pointed out above.
Contact Regarding Freight Issues: Jose 800 833 5998 or
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